
Articles on yoga

Yoga Zero -
be quiet and ... watch!

Yoga is a timeless way of spiritual knowledge, inner transformation and integration.

By systematically practicing the asanas and with pranayama, we increase the energy level in the body and the general state of health is improved. With all yoga exercises we reach the more subtle levels of our being.
Through pranayama, deep relaxation and meditation, we open up the subtle levels of life in and around us. Via the path of knowledge we learn more about the functioning and dynamics of our mind and intellect.
We usually live our everyday life with the feeling of personal separation.
Yoga shows us the way back to balance, integration and unity.

Yoga, a way of very personal self-development and individuation

Yoga develops ...
Courage & strength
to build new bridges and to self-knowledge goal orientation
for mental clarity
for all dimensions of being
of the spiritual power within
for the moment and all that is
Selfless love

yoga zero deep
The chakras - yoga techniques for activation

You can book this seminar for your yoga studio or a private small group.

It is extremely exciting and practice-oriented:
With basic information about the world of chakras and our energy body - based on classic Indian teaching texts - you get much more than just an insight into this rich field of yoga.

Way of breathing

A mode of breathing belongs to every state of consciousness. The control of the breath allows us to influence the mental level and our consciousness.
Yoga is a great way to date yourself, to awaken your muscles, and to change our attitude towards things.
It is the chance to linger in the present moment, to breathe a sigh of relief, to sleep space and get away from everyday life, work, traffic, the
escaping from the hurrying crowd ...
When practicing conscious breathing, the experienced yogi pays close attention to the alignment of the body and the movements of the breath. Detached from any thought of achievement, and without wanting to achieve any physical goal, he finds a deep sense of wellbeing.
An inner calm is created that dissolves all tension and lets the stress of daily demands fade away.

The phenomenon of yoga - the inner peace movement

Yoga is a science of empowerment.
It is a multifaceted exercise path that goes far beyond the purely physical and mental level. Yoga has been tried and tested many times around the world - and it is a very successful way of holistic self-healing.
Healing, peace and stillness are closely related. We feel that instinctively. Because peace is deeply anchored in ourselves and begins with ourselves. We do not have to enforce and create peace on the outside, but rather discover it inside and bring it to life. Only here can the path to true peace begin!

Recognize yourself! Be honest and authentic ...

How Yoga Zero works

Yoga Zero is based on non-coercive, gentle methods of self-alignment and relaxation.

For example, information about rest and balance is transmitted to all organs and body cells via the body position ...

Yoga Zero - light yoga for everyone in Munich

yoga zero - winter and pratyahara

The 5 senses connect us with the environment and serve for communication.
Most of the time these "antennas" of our senses are directed outwards in order to collect and process the information from our environment.
Pratyahara, the 5th level of yoga (according to Patanjali) reverses this process.
Our senses are turned inward and the target of attention is now that part of ourselves
who has this experience: consciousness. There
it is a process of self-awareness and reflection - because we first orient ourselves outwards in order to gain experiences. Then we turn inward to discover who or what all of these

Get joy of life with this colorful ChakraMandala Meditation:

You are interested in our yoga coaching, please write to us or give us a call!

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