Radio Yoga Zero 100th Edition Part 1
Bilingual German & English
Line Up Part One
Willkommen zur Feier unserer 100. Sendung – Welcome @ Radio Yoga Zero Celebrations
Uta & Sabine
Bettina & Tino ONITANI, Switzerland bilingual Interview Special on the occasion of our 100th Edition of Radio Yoga Zero with Sound and Cheers.
Euer Geschenk zu unserer 100. Sendung – Was für ein Geschenk und eine Überraschung!
Vielen Dank!
Jakub´s Live Report
from Amritapuri Ashram in Kerala. Beginning my day…
Yogetsu Akasaka, Japan Beatboxing & Performing “Heart Sutra”
– Thank you Yogetsu for honoring us with your extraordinary music performance on this special occasion! 😊
Sw. Hamsa Jnanananda Saraswati England
Satsang excerpt on Absorption and Grace
Session #12
Rujuta, Mauritius
Surprise Congratulation-bite 😊
RYZ Sommertime-Jingle
Ashwini Bangalore
Interview Clip on the legacy of Yoga, Spirituality and Classical Indian Dance.
Session # 76
Bettina und Tino ONITANI
Interview Part 2 - Spirit of OM & die Quelle der Musik und die Cloud
Claudia Deutschland/Marokko Interview: Erlebnisse in der Wüste und Weisheiten aus Marokko Session #53 & #55
Sabine & Uta Verstecktes Mikrofon
Curry-Rezept No 7
Schritte im Schnee
HEY SIS, Österreich, mit Trau Di!
Neu bei uns! Dieser Song und Videoclip (auf Utube) sind ein Geschenk für uns und an die Welt!
RYZ in 45 sec. :)
Radio Yoga Zero 100th Edition Part 2
Bilingual, German and English
Line Up Part Two
We have chosen to offer all our audio recordings freely. We do this because we know our weekly broadcasts are very personal, authentic and with beautiful messages which we love to share widely.
Intro: eternal OM with Tino
Sabine & Uta
Lesung zu Mikroorganismen im Wasser Session # 28
Renate, Deutschland
a capella Yemaya Assessu Session # 54
Bettina und Tino
bilingual Interview Part 3
Jakub´s Soundbite
by the seashore
Sabine und Uta´s Yoga Cuisine live
Prawn Mallai Curry” /Session # 45
Robert, Deutschland
Jingle-Solo Gitarre
Vinod, Kerala/Germany
-Talk on Golden Milk
Session #50
Solvat, Deutschland Interview in der Laube
Ma Budhini
über den heiligen Fluß Saraswati
Marina V, USA
performing Too Far from Home, song released August 2020
Sabine & Uta
Dank an alle Zuhörer*Innen von Radio Yoga Zero
Special thanks to our listeners
Die Münchner Band Beathotel
präsentieren den Song: The One I Love (R.E.M. cover)
:) Thank You for sharing!! Beathotel (Munich) performing: The One I Love (R.E.M. cover)
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from what you have heard and learned then please do consider sharing this program with your friends.
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