
Session #66 - Sunday / Sonntag 25.October 10am CET

das Radio Team mit Sabine und Uta • 24. Oktober 2020

Radio Yoga Zer:o - Broadcast #66

Sunday October 25th 2020 from 10am (CET)
Sonntag 25.10.2020 ab 10Uhr für 5 Tage online
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Sunday October 25th, 2020 from 10am (CET)
Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020

Broadcast #66
One World – One Language Sanskrit:

Short Intro and Lecture:
Bhuvaneshvari: The Queen of the Universe
(Bhuvaneshvari: Königin des Universums)
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses, Dr. David Frawley

Swami Hamsa Jnanananda Saraswati contributes to today's worldwide 1000 Goddesses Gathering:

Shri Bhuvaneshvari mini Puja

Shri Bhuvaneshvari Stotram

About Swami Hamsa:

Please! Still send us a soundbite of your ambient sounds!
Send any recording e.g. VoiceMemo or VoiceMail to WhatsApp or Mail:
WhatsApp Uta +49 178 174 18 04
WhatsApp Sabine +49 151 42 42 98 25

Broadcast #66
Sonntag 25.10.2020 ab 10Uhr
Sunday October 25rd from 10am (CET)

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Shri Buvaneshvari

by P.R.Ramachander
In Hinduism, Bhuvaneswari is the fourth of the ten goddesses and an aspect of Devi. According to some Hindu traditions, Bhuvaneswari, who is known for her beauty, co-operates with Shiva in bringing forth from the formless primal light the elements of the physical cosmos, in giving shape to the inchoate; hence her epithet "Creator of the World".

Bhuvaneswari is also considered as the supreme goddess who creates everything and destroys all the unnecessary evils of world. She is also considered as the Mother goddess of Kali, Lakshmi, and Saraswati also Gayatri. In Hindu Mythology she is considered as the most powerful goddess in the universe.

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