
Session #70 - Friday 6.November 11am CET

das Radio Team mit Sabine und Uta • 4. November 2020

Radio Yoga Zer:o - Broadcast #70

Friday November 6th 2020 from 11am (CET)
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Friday November 6th, 2020 from 11am (CET)
Broadcast #70

Welcome with Uta and Sabine

Get ready for your Instant Dosha-Test with Kabita´s guidance and learn more about Ayurveda, diet, spices and seasonal recommendations according to the Doshas

Intermezzo: Soothing Seashore Sounds

#Pointed Gourd in Poopy Seed Paste: live Recipe with Kabita and Joya. Find the written recipe on the right ->

Song for deep reflection:
“Creep” arranged and interpreted by MarinaV

Swami Hamsa Jnanananda Saraswati:
Thought for this week: Becoming a Human Diamond

Please! Keep on sending soundbites to us!
Send any recording e.g. VoiceMemo or VoiceMail to WhatsApp or Mail:
WhatsApp Uta +49 178 174 18 04
WhatsApp Sabine +49 151 42 42 98 25

Broadcast #70
Friday November 6th from 11am (CET)

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Click here to open Session #70 starts 11am
Kabita´s Pointed Gourd in Poppy Seed Paste Recipe
1 lb pointed gourd or small Zucchini or squash
¼ tsp turmeric and ½ tsp salt
3 tbsp oil
1 tsp ginger paste and 1 tsp cumin powder
1 cup (whole) milk, ½ tsp sugar plus 2 whole green chilis
1 tsp ghee
2 tbsp toasted white poppy seeds!

Poppy seed paste
Blend the following ingredients:
6 tbsp untoasted white poppy seeds, 3 green chilis, ½ tbsp salt and enough water to just cover the ingredients (approx..1/4 cup)

1. Peel pointed gourds completely – score each and so gravy can be absorbed
2. Marinate in: turmeric, salt for 5 min. 3. Heat 3 tbsp oil until lightly smoking.
Add gourds to oil and fry until golden brown and slightly softened in medium heat.
4. Remove gourds from pan and in the same oil add poppy seed paste.
5. Add ginger paste and cumin powder, stirring quickly and constantly – lower heat to low.
Continue cooking until no raw taste remains
6. Add 1 cup milk and bring to boil. Add sugar and mix well. Add in whole green chilis.
7. Allow to boil lightly until oil begins to re-surface along the edges of the pot
8. Add gourds back to the pot along with ghee and mix. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes on low heat and stirring occasionally.
9. Mix in toasted white poppy seeds and remove from heat.

Savor and Enjoy!

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